
‥‥ About Republic of Uganda
○ はじめに — 草の根国際交流、23年を迎えて
‥‥ Introduction - Grass-root international exchange commemorates the 23th year
‥‥ Start of Uganda supportive activities
‥‥ Look at the world from our own community
‥ Love and Peace Activity
‥‥ About CUFI which we support
‥‥ Mr. Sempala who lives in the community
‥‥ History of support activities and international exchange)
‥‥ Small supports bear fruit in Uganda
‥‥ Awa-Minami Tailoring School was built
‥‥ From Awa-Minami to Awa JRC club
‥‥ From Awa JRC club to Awa-Nishi JRC club
‥‥ Meeting to commemorate 20 years of Support Activities
‥‥ Uganda supportive activities at the grass-root level
‥‥ Ventured to apply for crowd-funding for “Let’s buy a replacement for vehicle.”
‥‥ Message from Mr.Sempala & Report of activities
‥‥ Awa-Minami in Africa Forever 〜 Empowering the needy to stand
・「教育」- ひとづくり
‥‥ Education
‥‥ Tie between CUFI and Japanese High School, Citizen
‥‥ Interaction between Ugandan Children and Japanese High School Students
‥‥ Support from Japanese High School Students and Citizens
‥‥ Awa-Minami Tailoring School
‥‥ Kitalya Primary School
‥‥ Kawumu Training Center
‥‥ Amazing Grace Primary School
‥‥ Look back on Uganda supportive activities
‥‥ Voices from Japan
‥‥ Voices from Uganda
〇 略年表
‥‥ Abridged chronological table
〇 資料一覧
‥‥ A list of articles related to Uganda supporting activities
〇 あとがき
‥‥ Afterword